Zillow Opens New Office In Southern California

Seattle-based Zillow said Thursday that it has opened up a new office in Southern California, in the city of Irvine. The real estate site said the new location will be staffed with up to 100 people in the office by year’s end. Zillow is looking to tap into the location’s local job market, which has a wealth of real-estate and consumer data firms, in addition to a significant concentration of high tech companies.


Seattle-based Zillow said Thursday that it has opened up a new office in Southern California, in the city of Irvine. The real estate site said the new location will be staffed with up to 100 people in the office by year’s end. Zillow is looking to tap into the location’s local job market, which has a wealth of real-estate and consumer data firms, in addition to a significant concentration of high tech companies.


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