Adrienne Kisner details teenage drama, 'Mythic Pennsylvania' and other 'Six Angry Girls' tidbits in Northwest Passages Book Club talk

Author Adrienne Kisner joined a virtual gathering of the Northwest Passages Book Club to discuss her novel, “Six Angry Girls,” with Kristi Burns of the Spokesman-Review Thursday.

In “Six Angry Girls,” Kisner’s latest young adult novel, a group of high school friends forms a Mock Trial team. The girls have to fight for their place, occasionally resorting to “yarn-bombing,” but the love, camaraderie and acceptance that they find along the way make it all worth it.

Opening the discussion, Burns asked about the book’s dedication.

Kisner’s first book, “Dear Rachel Maddow,” was dedicated to three teachers from her college, her second, “The Confusion of Laurel Graham,” was dedicated to

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