John Timmer - Page 2

38 Posts

Supreme Court issues stay on EPA’s ozone plan, despite blistering dissent

Enlarge / Ozone-producing chemicals come from a variety of sources and don't respect state borders.John Edward Linden On Tuesday, a slim majority...

Congress passes bill to jumpstart new nuclear power tech

Enlargehrui Earlier this week, the US Senate passed what's being called the ADVANCE Act, for Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for...

When did humans start social knowledge accumulation?

EnlargeIURII BUKHTA A key aspect of humans' evolutionary success is the fact that we don't have to learn how to do things...

Black holes formed quasars less than a billion years after Big Bang

EnlargeNASA, ESA, CSA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI) Supermassive black holes appear to be present at the center of every galaxy, going back to...

Researchers find a new organelle evolving

Enlarge / A photo of Braarudosphaera bigelowii with the nitroplast indicated by an arrowhead.Tyler Coale The complex cells that underlie animals and...

Proteins let cells remember how well their last division went

EnlargeMartin Barraud When we talk about memories in biology, we tend to focus on the brain and the storage of information in...

Getting a charge: An exercise bike that turns your pedaling into power

EnlargeLifeSpan I enjoy getting my exercise, but hate doing it indoors. I'd much rather get some fresh air and watch the world...

Study finds that we could lose science if publishers go bankrupt

Enlargefolderol Back when scientific publications came in paper form, libraries played a key role in ensuring that knowledge didn't disappear. Copies went...

LIGO goes to space: ESA to proceed with LISA gravitational wave detector

Enlarge / The LISA project will consist of three spacecraft in a triangular configuration, exchanging lasers.EADS Astrium On Thursday, the European Space...

Aluminum mining waste could be a source of green steel

Enlarge / A red mud retaining pond in Germany.Wikimedia Commons The metals that form the foundation of modern society also cause a...

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