John Timmer - Page 3

41 Posts

Rover sampling finds organic molecules in water-altered rocks on Mars

Enlarge / Jezero crater shows clear signs of water-formed deposits, so it's not a surprise to find water-altered material there.NASA/MSSS/USGS Organic chemicals,...

US public wants climate change dealt with, but doesn’t like the options

Enlarge / The East Coast has gotten the chance to experience something that's become disturbingly familiar out west.Bloomberg Creative After rejoining the...

X-ray “light echoes” hint at outburst from Milky Way’s central black hole

Enlarge / This is the first image of Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. It’s the first direct...

A telescope happened to be pointing at the brightest supernova yet observed

Enlarge / Artist's conception of a gamma-ray burst.NASA Supernovae are some of the most energetic events in the Universe. And a subset...

AI system devises first optimizations to sorting code in over a decade

EnlargeAnas Photography Anyone who has taken a basic computer science class has undoubtedly spent time devising a sorting algorithm—code that will take...

mRNA technology for vaccines and more: An Ars Frontiers recap

Enlarge / On May 22, John Timmer (left) moderated a panel featuring Karin Bok (center) and Nathaniel Wang (right) for the Ars Frontiers 2023...

Neuralink says it has the FDA’s OK to start clinical trials

EnlargeNurPhoto In December 2022, founder Elon Musk gave an update on his other, other company, the brain implant startup Neuralink. As early...

Above the fold: The people behind the Gocycle G4 thought of everything

EnlargeJohn Timmer Foldable bikes offer a pretty obvious trade-off: the convenience of something you can easily pick up and store in the...

US Gulf states’ inactive, uncapped oil and gas wells a $30 billion liability

EnlargeTad Denson Oil and gas producers in the US are required by law to seal and cap their wells once they're finished...

Chemical reactions on the early Earth may have formed its ocean

EnlargeNASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring Water has made the Earth the planet that it is—a planet known for its blue oceans. Water shapes the...

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