Solar Storm Could Bring Northern Lights to Oregon and 16 Other States on Thursday

Hey folks, get ready for a celestial spectacle! Brace yourselves for a solar storm coming up this Thursday, which is expected to treat sky-watchers in 17 American states with a rare glimpse of the Northern Lights. You know, that breathtaking display of colors that lights up the sky when the solar wind collides with our atmosphere.

Typically, the Northern Lights, also called aurora borealis, are seen in places like Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia. But here’s the kicker: thanks to an 11-year solar cycle reaching its peak in 2024, these stunning lights are becoming visible even in more southern locations. Just three months ago, they made an appearance in Arizona, marking the third major geomagnetic storm since the solar cycle began back in 2019.

According to the experts at the Geophysical Institute, located at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, Thursday’s auroral activity is expected to grace the skies of Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Indiana, Maine, and Maryland. Oh, and Canada, including Vancouver, will also be in for a treat!

If you’re wondering where exactly you should be stationed for the best views, the Geophysical Institute has got your back. They predict that Milwaukee, Minneapolis,

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