Cover Oregon’s technology troubles and what they mean for you: Live chat, noon Tuesday


Tim Lagerhausen, left, and Shailesh Jain of Oracle join dozens of programmers at work completing the Cover Oregon website. With the application deadline looming, the state was forced to use paper applications to the health insurance exchange when the online process failed. (Michael Lloyd/The Oregonian)

The Oregonian last week highlighted early decisions and mismanagement by the state and Cover Oregon


Tim Lagerhausen, left, and Shailesh Jain of Oracle join dozens of programmers at work completing the Cover Oregon website. With the application deadline looming, the state was forced to use paper applications to the health insurance exchange when the online process failed. (Michael Lloyd/The Oregonian)

The Oregonian last week highlighted early decisions and mismanagement by the state and Cover Oregon that contributed to the health-insurance exchange website’s continuing problems.

The website problems have not only cost money — the total price tag is $160 million so far — they’ve also contributed to confusion and fear for thousands of Oregonians seeking coverage. The state and Cover Oregon have been forced to hire hundreds of temps to process exchange applications by hand, but the process has gone so slowly that officials and insurers have pushed back deadlines for selecting plans. The goal is to ensure people who need them have premium-reducing tax credits by Jan. 1.

The story’s co-reporter, Jeff Manning, and I would like to hear your concerns about the exchange and its complex history. We’ll respond live to questions and comments in a chat here at noon on Tuesday in the comments section below. Please don’t hesitate to start posting now and then come back at noon Tuesday for the live chat.

— Nick Budnick

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