Elizabeth Rayne - Page 1

13 Posts

Sleeping more flushes junk out of the brain

EnlargeOsakaWayne Studios As if we didn’t have enough reasons to get at least eight hours of sleep, there is now one more....

Humans are living longer than ever no matter where they come from 

EnlargeCatherine Falls Commercial Most of us want to stay on this planet as long as possible. While there are still differences depending...

Our oldest microbial ancestors were way ahead of their time

Enlarge / The Golgi apparatus, shown here in light green, may have been involved in building internal structures in cells.ARTUR PLAWGO / SCIENCE PHOTO...

Gotta go? We’ve finally found out what makes urine yellow

EnlargeScience Photo Library There are many mysteries in life that we end up shrugging off. Why is urine yellow? It just is,...

This bird is like a GPS for honey

Enlarge / A greater honeyguide Keabetswe Maposa With all the technological advances humans have made, it may seem like we’ve lost touch...

Corvids seem to handle temporary memories the way we do

Enlarge / A jackdaw tries to remember what color it was thinking of.Frans Buiter / 500px Humans tend to think that we...

People exaggerate the consequences of saying no to invites

Enlarge / The invitation might be nice, but you can feel free to say no.Maryna Terletska The holidays can be a time...

Fungi join the list of organisms that can control when ice forms

Enlarge / A related species of Fusarium.Wikimedia Commons While it may be the reason behind tires skidding, pipes bursting, and closed roads...

Most monstrous marsquake ever reveals where it came from

Enlarge / InSight captured seismic waves released when an impact formed this crater in 2021. But a similar event can't be tied to any...

This is how we could possibly build paved roads on the Moon

EnlargeMaster/Getty The Moon is slated to be our next frontier. When Artemis 3 takes off (tentatively) near the end of 2025, it...

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