Injured tourists family thanks Dr. Oz, bystanders


Injured tourists family thanks Dr. Oz, bystanders

FILE – This June 13, 2012 file photo shows television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz during a photocall at the 2012 Monte Carlo Television Festival in Monaco. On Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013, Oz rushed to an accident scene after a yellow cab jumped the curb and struck a pedestrian outside New York’s Rockefeller Center. Oz says in a statement that emergency medical crews were already treating the injured woman who had a bad leg wound.


Injured tourists family thanks Dr. Oz, bystanders

FILE – This June 13, 2012 file photo shows television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz during a photocall at the 2012 Monte Carlo Television Festival in Monaco. On Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2013, Oz rushed to an accident scene after a yellow cab jumped the curb and struck a pedestrian outside New York’s Rockefeller Center. Oz says in a statement that emergency medical crews were already treating the injured woman who had a bad leg wound. He says a good Samaritan made a tourniquet out of a belt for the woman. (AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau, File) | Zoom

NEW YORK (AP) – The parents of a British tourist who was injured when a New York City taxi jumped a curb said Thursday they are grateful for the help of bystanders that included TV’s “Dr. Oz.”

Jason and Sonia Green said they want to thank New Yorkers for their support following the accident.

“There are not enough words to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped our family during this difficult time,” the couple said in a statement released by the hospital where their daughter Sian is recovering.

The 23-year-old lost a leg when she was struck by a taxi at Rockefeller Center on Tuesday. Quick-thinking good Samaritans including a plumber, a nurse and television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz rushed to her aid. Plumber David Justino immediately applied a tourniquet made from a belt.

Justino told The New York Times he was determined to hold on until help arrived, and then he saw Oz over his shoulder.

“I felt more comfortable when I looked up and saw his face,” he said. “I said, `What should I do?’ and he said, `You’re doing it. You’re doing it.'”

The family said they wanted especially to thank the men for their help, along with the hospital, their hotel, the airlines and the NYPD.

“We hope Sian will soon be on her way to recovery and will be able to personally thank all the kind people of New York City,” said the Leicester, England couple.

Food vendor Max Crespo put Green’s severed leg on ice, following the directions of a nurse whose name he did not know.

“I took water and grabbed this bucket with ice,” Crespo told the Times. “The nurse, she told me to pour water on her legs and I did. And that is when she screamed a lot like I was pouring fire on her.”

The cab driver who plowed into Green said that driving a New York City taxi is too stressful and told a newspaper that “I need more suitable job.”

Mohammed Faysal Himon told the New York Post the accident happened after he accelerated to get around a bicyclist who he says pounded on his car and yelled at him.

Himon said he didn’t remember much after accelerating until he saw Green’s leg by his cab.

He was issued a summons and police and the Manhattan district attorney are investigating. Authorities were taking steps to suspend his cab license.

(Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,,

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