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44 Posts

The world’s largest fungus collection may unlock the mysteries of carbon capture

Enlarge / Fungus samples are seen on display inside the Fungarium at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, west London in 2023. The Fungarium...

What happened to OpenAI’s long-term AI risk team?

EnlargeBenj Edwards In July last year, OpenAI announced the formation of a new research team that would prepare for the advent of...

Change Healthcare faces another ransomware threat—and it looks credible

EnlargeiStock / Getty Images Plus For months, Change Healthcare has faced an immensely messy ransomware debacle that has left hundreds of pharmacies...

Claims of TikTok whistleblower may not add up

EnlargeSOPA Images | LightRocket | Getty Images The United States government is currently poised to outlaw TikTok. Little of the evidence that...

The entire state of Illinois is going to be crawling with cicadas

EnlargeEd Reschke via Getty Brace yourselves, Illinoisans: A truly shocking number of cicadas are about to live, make sweet love, and die...

Tick-killing pill shows promising results in human trial

EnlargeLadislav Kubeš If you have a dog or cat, chances are you’ve given your pet a flavored chewable tablet for tick prevention...

Florida middle-schoolers charged with making deepfake nudes of classmates

EnlargeJacqui VanLiew; Getty Images Two teenage boys from Miami, Florida, were arrested in December for allegedly creating and sharing AI-generated nude images...

Researchers create AI worms that can spread from one system to another

EnlargeJacqui VanLiew; Getty Images As generative AI systems like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini become more advanced, they are increasingly being put...

Yelp: It’s gotten worse since Google made changes to comply with EU rules

EnlargeAnjali Nair; Getty Images To comply with looming rules that ban tech giants from favoring their own services, Google has been testing...

These states are basically begging you to get a heat pump

EnlargeFHM/Getty Images Death is coming for the old-school gas furnace—and its killer is the humble heat pump. They’re already outselling gas furnaces...

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