Dave Ross - Page 6

78 Posts

Ross: How Trump’s culture war reached the National Archives

I noticed that, as part of the tussle between Donald Trump and the National Archives over those presidential documents, Trump’s lawyers argued that the National...

Ross: Big Tech fumbles basic Q&A about misinformation oversight in front of Congress

Senators grilled social media executives yesterday, questioning whether they were serious about controlling their platforms. The company execs insisted they are quick to remove fake...

Ross: Hillary testified under oath, why not Trump?

I’m trying to figure out how seriously to take these stories about how Trump supporters might react if Trump gets indicted. The threat was raised...

Ross: How Monday’s moonshot preparation resembles the Apollo 11 launch

I can remember sitting in a radio studio at the age of 17 in 1969 watching a black-and-white TV as the Eagle landed at Tranquility...

Ross: No words for the West Seattle Bridge’s re-opening, only lyrics

I can’t tell you how happy I will be when the West Seattle Bridge is finally reopened. And I don’t even live there! Nearly 900...

Ross: eBikes on hiking trails distract from the real goal, getting back to nature

I heard on Jason Rantz show, on our sister station KTTH, that state wildlife officials are gathering data on how the state should regulate the...

Ross: Culture of ‘gun worship’ must end to stop mass shootings

Red flags everywhere. It turns out the Highland Park shooter was flying plenty of red flags beyond his videos. And you didn’t have to be...

Ross: Every unplanned pregnancy involves a man who refused a vasectomy

25 states will now have the power to require that pregnant women – who choose to live in those states – must give birth. But...

Ross: The real solution to the online misinformation problem

According to the New York Times, the state of Connecticut – hoping to restore trust in the election process, plans to hire an expert in...

Ross: Do Americans really believe in the free market when they plead for lower gas taxes?

Gas prices just won’t quit. It’s so bad that I know a Prius driver who can’t believe what he’s spending on gas these days. But...

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