Sex abuse lawsuit dropped against ex-TV executive

HONOLULU (AP) — A former aspiring actor and model is withdrawing a federal lawsuit alleging a former TV executive sexually abused him during trips to Hawaii in 1999.

Attorneys for Michael Egan III filed court papers Wednesday voluntarily dismissing the case against David Neuman.

Neuman was one of four people, including “X-Men” director Bryan Singer, sued by Egan in April under a Hawaii law that suspended the statute of limitations in civil sex abuse cases.


HONOLULU (AP) — A former aspiring actor and model is withdrawing a federal lawsuit alleging a former TV executive sexually abused him during trips to Hawaii in 1999.

Attorneys for Michael Egan III filed court papers Wednesday voluntarily dismissing the case against David Neuman.

Neuman was one of four people, including “X-Men” director Bryan Singer, sued by Egan in April under a Hawaii law that suspended the statute of limitations in civil sex abuse cases.

The other defendants deny the allegations. A judge next month will consider motions to dismiss the remaining cases.

Neuman’s Los Angeles attorneys say in a statement the dismissal exposes the lawsuit as an “unethical smearing and failed shakedown of a completely innocent man.”

Egan’s attorneys didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on Thursday.

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